Consumer Storage Service Provider - the Marketing
Consumer Storage Marketing
When we think about Marketing, we think about press releases, launch events, newspaper ads, and even television ads. In the world of the Internet, especially the ecosystem that CSSP is in, marketing is different.
At present, Google is the main player in Internet Marketing enabling people with the ability to find and locate such products/services they never heard of. Since Google is streamlining most of the Internet Marketing. What a start-up CSSP should do? Paying millions to Google may help with Search Engine rank or Page rank, however, the ability to convert trial customer to paying customer is all CSSP's job. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) may be a good way to increase traffic to CSSP's site. We'll discuss about that later on.
First thought about CSSP Marketing
Before start paying Google for ads, CSSP shall think through Marketing strategy for a start. Selling in a market filled with competitors (CSSP) does not help one very much to focus on the product alone. What motivates a customer to pay for CSSP service?
What is Perception?
Wait for a minute, a perception? Most may argue. However, when you look closely at how you buy your new mobile phone, your new car. It's all about perception - a perception that you get what you want. What perception has anything to do with buying CSSP's service? If a customer does not think that CSSP is providing the right service at the right price, he/she will never sign up. What could CSSP create its perception to user that it brings value that is higher than others?
Offer is the key. Offer is what CSSP customer thinks he's getting. For example, why sell an Online storage to a customer like others. While we normally sell 'ability' to store much more data with high bandwidth. On the other hand, this could well be 'selling Bittorent space' for customers who like to download movies from the Internet. Now CSSP does not sell online storage but sell ability to download, upload Bittorent (the offer).
There are people out there who like to upload/download files at a much more quicker pace. They can opt to rent a space with CSSP and let all the downloads coming in from the Internet. Once the download is completed, they could bring their hard drives to CSSP to copy all the data. This is for customers outside of the US where DSL speed is still low.
As for perception/offer pair for other businesses, CSSP could offer 'centralized' e-mail system. Currently most businesses that run their own e-mail server. This means that their e-mail traffic is coming in through their expensive leased line along with their Internet (web) traffic. In some cases, an important e-mail may not arrive in a timely manner because it's stuck in leased line traffic.
The way to ease this problem, CSSP could offer 'centralized' storage for e-mail server. So all e-mail messages will only come to CSSP data center. If a user is waiting for an important e-mail, he/she could check e-mail and see whether it has arrived, then download to his/her Inbox folder. This saves Internet traffic to interfere with important business. CSSP could also provide storage space for Web server in a similar manner.
This offer could be the offer to Ensure important e-mails will arrive in a timely manner. Customers are not going to afraid that its Internet traffic will push its important e-mail to arrive. This increases efficiency and reduces turn-around time to respond to an important client's request.
Next I'm going to write about Bittorrent Provider model. I've come to think of it as a way to exploit unused network bandwidth/storage utilization. After Bittorrent- I'll write about Nirvana of Storage in IT-doesn't-matter-related series.
When we think about Marketing, we think about press releases, launch events, newspaper ads, and even television ads. In the world of the Internet, especially the ecosystem that CSSP is in, marketing is different.
At present, Google is the main player in Internet Marketing enabling people with the ability to find and locate such products/services they never heard of. Since Google is streamlining most of the Internet Marketing. What a start-up CSSP should do? Paying millions to Google may help with Search Engine rank or Page rank, however, the ability to convert trial customer to paying customer is all CSSP's job. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) may be a good way to increase traffic to CSSP's site. We'll discuss about that later on.
First thought about CSSP Marketing
Before start paying Google for ads, CSSP shall think through Marketing strategy for a start. Selling in a market filled with competitors (CSSP) does not help one very much to focus on the product alone. What motivates a customer to pay for CSSP service?
What is Perception?
Wait for a minute, a perception? Most may argue. However, when you look closely at how you buy your new mobile phone, your new car. It's all about perception - a perception that you get what you want. What perception has anything to do with buying CSSP's service? If a customer does not think that CSSP is providing the right service at the right price, he/she will never sign up. What could CSSP create its perception to user that it brings value that is higher than others?
Offer is the key. Offer is what CSSP customer thinks he's getting. For example, why sell an Online storage to a customer like others. While we normally sell 'ability' to store much more data with high bandwidth. On the other hand, this could well be 'selling Bittorent space' for customers who like to download movies from the Internet. Now CSSP does not sell online storage but sell ability to download, upload Bittorent (the offer).
There are people out there who like to upload/download files at a much more quicker pace. They can opt to rent a space with CSSP and let all the downloads coming in from the Internet. Once the download is completed, they could bring their hard drives to CSSP to copy all the data. This is for customers outside of the US where DSL speed is still low.
As for perception/offer pair for other businesses, CSSP could offer 'centralized' e-mail system. Currently most businesses that run their own e-mail server. This means that their e-mail traffic is coming in through their expensive leased line along with their Internet (web) traffic. In some cases, an important e-mail may not arrive in a timely manner because it's stuck in leased line traffic.
The way to ease this problem, CSSP could offer 'centralized' storage for e-mail server. So all e-mail messages will only come to CSSP data center. If a user is waiting for an important e-mail, he/she could check e-mail and see whether it has arrived, then download to his/her Inbox folder. This saves Internet traffic to interfere with important business. CSSP could also provide storage space for Web server in a similar manner.
This offer could be the offer to Ensure important e-mails will arrive in a timely manner. Customers are not going to afraid that its Internet traffic will push its important e-mail to arrive. This increases efficiency and reduces turn-around time to respond to an important client's request.
Next I'm going to write about Bittorrent Provider model. I've come to think of it as a way to exploit unused network bandwidth/storage utilization. After Bittorrent- I'll write about Nirvana of Storage in IT-doesn't-matter-related series.